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A Comedians Nightmare

WEB's Creator Roasted by His Own Creations

A Comedian's Nightmare

Brandon George Rogers, known online as WEB, found himself on the receiving end of some unexpected criticism from none other than his own characters. Rogers, a talented YouTuber, actor, and comedian, is renowned for his ability to create and portray a wide range of characters on his channel. However, during a recent livestream, things took an unexpected turn when his characters decided to turn the tables on him.

A Roasting of Epic Proportions

As Rogers bantered with his viewers, his characters, including the mischievous Blitzø from the popular animated series Helluva Boss, began to chime in. At first, it was all in good fun, with each character taking their turn to poke fun at Rogers's appearance, his acting skills, and even his love life. However, as the roasting continued, the tone shifted slightly, with the characters becoming more critical and even hostile.

Rogers, taken aback by the sudden hostility, found himself struggling to respond. His characters relentlessly mocked his insecurities, questioned his choices, and even accused him of being a sellout. The viewers, who had initially been amused by the roasting, grew increasingly uncomfortable as the situation spiraled out of control.


Rogers's experience is a cautionary tale for any content creator who relies heavily on fictional characters to drive their success. While it can be tempting to give your creations free rein, it is crucial to remember that they are ultimately under your control. If you fail to set clear boundaries, your characters may end up taking on a life of their own and turning against you in unexpected ways.

In the aftermath of the roasting, Rogers took some time to reflect on the experience. While he admitted that it was initially painful to hear such harsh criticism from his own creations, he ultimately gained valuable insights into his own work and his relationship with his characters. Rogers now approaches his craft with a newfound level of self-awareness and appreciation for the power of fictional storytelling.

As for his characters, they remain as unpredictable and outspoken as ever. But Rogers has learned that even when they're roasting him, they do so out of a twisted form of love. And that, perhaps, is the greatest compliment an artist can receive.
